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Hunter Panels Tapered Polyiso Educational
Video Series


CLIENT: Hunter Panels

I was tasked by Insulation manufacturer Hunter Panels to create a series of videos explaining tapered panels, what they are, and how they can be installed for roof applications.


The Hunter Panels Tapered Polyiso Educational video series breaks down different uses of tapered roof insulation installation. Combined, these five videos provide nearly 40 minutes of detailed explanation, animated diagrams, and step-by-step installation instructions.


After receiving footage of the tapered panel installations, I worked with the tapered department at Hunter Panel to develop a script intended to clearly and concisely explain everything you need to know about tapered roof insulation. Simple animations were essential in explaining tapered panels' functionality for moving water off roofs and explaining how they are applied to a roof suffice.

This is the second video of the series; the full series is available on YouTube. 

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